Here @ Calvary we want to let you know that we are open and our services are on Sunday Mornings @ 8:30 and 10:30 am, and on Wednesday Evenings @ 6:00 pm, Child care is available on Sunday Morning @ 10:30 and on Wednesday Evening @ 6:00 pm, hand sanitizer is available @ the door, you can wear a mask if you like, but your not required, you dont have to show proof of vacination, but if you are sick for any reason, then we ask that you would stay at home until your well, and if you would like a visit just let us know and we can go and pray for you. 

For those who regularly attend Calvary if your employer requires you to recieve a vaccination and are in  need of a letter of religious exmption we will be glad to provide that for you. However for those who are not regular members, you can obtain a COVID Vaccine Exemption Request Template from Advocates For Faith & Freedom, by clicking on this link.